Top 3 for April 15th

3. 94 Years of Serfdom

Once upon a time the Constitution stood as a bulwark against state power. Then came the progressive era where up become down, wrong become right, and big business manipulated the law to enrich themselves at the common person’s expense. During the midst of those dark days, Wilson signed into law the 16th amendment, effectively committing IP infringement against Karl Marx. No, but really the 16th Amendment allowed for the income tax (a progressive tax) which was one of the ten planks of communism. A principle part of communism became enshrined into our Constitution in 1913, changing the role of the constitution from bulwark to facilitator of state power. 

Paul Craig Roberts, former Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Reagan, explains how the income tax has put us into a position comparable to the medieval serf.

2. Payback

President Obama, hard at work garnering funds for his war in Afghanistan by using a special troop funding provision he voted against as a senator, is setting America up for another Vietnam style exit in central Asia. Former Chief of the Bin Laden Issue Station of the CIA Michael Scheuer presents evidence that a land war with Russia may be looming in our future as the U.S. is forced to draw on the help of Russia in subduing Afghanistan. 

1. Green Cities, Brown Suburbs

Edward Glaeser, an economist at Harvard, presents evidence that him and fellow economist Matthew Kahn have compiled showing that, paradoxically, bigger cities can actually be better for the environment then trying to “live green” out in the country. The article is long, but well worth it for the treasure trove of interesting statistics.

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