A short update…

    I realize that many of you religiously check my blog every night for a new post*, only be to disappointed as my laziness gets the better of me.

For that I apologize.

But good news is on the way my faithful readers. I promise that I will have a couple of new posts within the next few weeks. I promise.

*  Note: This is unconfirmed conjecture meant as an advertisement tool.

Published in: on March 25, 2008 at 7:20 am  Comments (3)  

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3 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. You damn well better!

    Also, I replied to your comment on my blog. Thanks for reading it! I believe you make up roughly 33% of my readership, you should feel special.

  2. you better post, punk! J/k

  3. A couple posts in a few weeks?!? Slacker.

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